Elder Farr was amazing! He was a really good missionary and companion. He is really in tune with the Spirit and he did a lot for Fox Hollow. He came into the Fox Hollow Ward with another Elder and built up the Ward and area for missionary work. They didn't have any investigators and were only teaching 8 lessons a week. They got like four investigators and started teaching 15 lessons a week. Then after that, Elder Farr got another companion who got really sick and the teaching stopped; went down to 0 lessons a week. This Elder went home and then I got paired up with Elder Farr and we got the ward back up! We found six investigators and taught 15 lessons again and let me tell you. Elder Farr and I worked hard. I loved it. We got to use a lot of our time to build up the ward and got the mission work going again. It was awesome! He was awesome! Elder Farr is someone I will stay in contact. He is a great friend and missionary and I learned a lot from him… Transfers are sad I am going to miss singing with him from appointment to appointment. We would sing hymns and sometimes mix it up with some Jackson 5 I want you back!
I am really going to miss him. He was an older brother. Good missionary as well.
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New Comp. Elder Stuckey from Arkansas |
It was really interesting what happened this week though. I am learning more and more about the mission. It seems to me like this mission is a huge trial of faith. Probably the biggest trial of faith because you will not see very many things happen till you come home or a few months later, not always are urgent things going to happen. I am learning a lot about patience through this all. Its long haha. This is all on His time as well. Sometimes I feel a little sad that not bigger things are happening and I think that it’s my fault that some bigger things are happening when it could be just in the Lords time and I am all part of this time.
I got to be patient. I’m not going to lie, I am stressed. ha ha I need better coping methods with stress. My shoulders are very tense and I don't really know how to release it all that well.
But what’s good about this stress is its not super bad stress. Just a little bit to remind me that it’s there. I do feel under a lot of pressure though. I hope I can find a good way to release it. So something's about this week.
I got pretty bold with faith this week… lol. Faith likes to answer a question of what she thinks she hears is the question. I like to ask her questions and she gave me an answer that didn't answer the question at all haha and she said "now listen…" she kind of goes on to a different thing and then I don't know what happened. I raised a little bit out of my seat and said "NO You Listen!" ha ha ha Elder Farr gave me this look like ‘whoa’... and Faith was like ‘whoa’ too.. It was pretty funny. She gave me a Harry Potter Journal for that, ha ha Faith thought it was good. Faith is still making progress slowly but surely. I love Faith. She’s great and a funny girl but very stubborn. Ha ha
We got a new investigator! His name is Don. I think I might have told you about him. But he’s in his 40's and married to a member and we get to teach him! We taught him about the restoration and why it was so important. He doesn't really see the importance for church though. He grew up Methodist and he went to church every now and then so we hope he finds he desire and understands the importance of it!
We didn't get to meet with Raul this week. Raul's workouts are killer. I feel like I just got beat with a bat to my whole body. it makes us so sore and tired ha ha but its good. It makes Raul happy and it helps out his gym and he really feels the spirit when we talk with him. He has just been pretty busy. I hope we could meet with him sometime soon.
We need to meet with Savannah again. We will meet with her soon! Still wants to get baptized just the parents need to accept it.
Olivia! She’s the 9 year old and she knows like everything about the church! hahah she has a really strong testimony and I feel she will be baptized soon.
We tried to meet with Eric. He’s a referral. He just picked up a job and we will meet with him.
We need to make contact with John and Michelle and follow up on his reading of the Book of Mormon.
Susanne: we are finally meeting with this week. The work is happening. Just got to be obedient for the spirit to be there and have miracles happen. I love you guys and I love being here serving the Lord and you in any way I can.
K that's my update
Elder Garrett Steven Harrington
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